Date: Monday, June 28, 2021, 15:00-17:30


BBS/EFPSI virtual seminar - Precision medicine and Health Technology Assessment


Registration is free and open to all persons who are interested.

BBS EFSPI_HTA_PrecMed_Webinar_1st Announ
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 197.5 KB


Mittwoch, 02.12.2020, 11:00-14:05
Webex Seminar
Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Dokumentation, Med Uni Graz,
Zentrum für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Intelligente Systeme, Med Uni Wien,
Department für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Gesundheitsökonomie, Med Uni Innsbruck
gemeinsam mit der
Wiener Biometrischen Sektion (WBS) und Biometrischen Sektion Steiermark-Kärnten (BSSK)

Seminarprogramm mit Webex-Link
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 661.6 KB

Date: 3. November 2020, 13:00 – 16:00


Joint EFSPI-BBS virtual seminar - The application of estimands from a Neuroscience perspective.


Please register via the following link: BBS Seminar - “Estimands in Neuroscience”


BBS_EFSPI_Estimands in NS 1.2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 163.9 KB

Date: 16th September 2020, 10:00-12:00


Webinar - Long-run behaviour of Bayesian procedures

Taking place as a satellite event of the CEN-IBS/GMDS 2020 conference.


For more information, please visit:

Date: Monday, 7th September 2020, 14:00-17:00


BBS Webinar - RCTs meeting causal inference: principal stratum strategy and beyond


Slides and a first version of the Q&A document with the questions from the chat can be found on