Oral Presentations
Please introduce yourself to the chair of your session 10 minutes before the session begins.
In order to avoid technical problems and delays during the sessions, we ask you to upload your presentation the day before at the front desk.
- Please bring your slides in pdf or ppt format. Please label your file with your last name and your paper-ID (in ConfTool) (lastname_123.pdf).
Beamer and laptops are available. The use of your own laptop is not possible.
All oral presentations should be given in English.
Contributed talks are in general scheduled for 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes discussion. If this is not the case the chair will contact you with the details.
Poster Presentations
Posters must be no larger than
DINA0 (width: 84 cm, height: 118 cm) in portrait format.
Mount your posters on the
poster wall that is marked with your poster-ID (in ConfTool). Pins will be made available for you.
It is expected that you are at
your poster during the poster session in order to answer questions.
Session Chair Guidelines
Please go to the session
room at least 10 minutes in advance of the session start time.
Introduce yourself to the
speakers and get familiar with the technical equipment.
Encourage presenters to load
any required files on to one laptop prior to the start of the session.
Monitor presentation
Please introduce yourself
shortly at the beginning of the session, introduce each speaker before her/his talk.